Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bradley One Year Reunion Birthday Party

January 27, 2007

How terrific to still be in touch with our group of birthing class friends. Now we are all parent friends supporting each other on our new journeys and crazy adventures. We had to get all of the babies together for a huge party celebrating the one year milestone and the survival of the parents! Since Addie was in New York shopping for clothes and taping What Not to Wear, Aaron and I brought little Julian along with us. What a blast it was to see all of the toddlers hanging out together- eating, dancing, sharing and fighting over toys... pure bliss. Jennifer, Chris, and Hollis did a fabulous job of hosting and we are so thankful to them for opening their home so warmly!

-the full album of pictures

-more pics from Magda (these are great!)

Christmas 2007

Another wonderful family celebration. We opened gifts on Christmas Eve first in Waxahachie with Aaron's family, then drove off for round two at my parents' place in Duncanville. Ruby had such a great time in all the commotion, but was still not too into the whole "opening presents" gig- although she received some fabulous gifts! She was very intrigued by the Santa presents in the stockings, though, and definitely caught the Christmas bug playing around in her ginormous tent/crawl tunnel/peekaboo/crawl tunnel/house play gym (another Santa gift). Thank you again to everyone for your generosity; we are so blessed!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ruby's Big Birthday Bash --- December 23, 2007

Truly an amazing day! I could not have asked for a better celebration for Ruby. Thanks so much to Cathy and Luke for providing the location and a great spread of food, and to my mom and dad for the beautiful cake and wine! I was so happy that Ruby could share this special time of her life with most of her family! She is so lucky to have such loving and generous people surrounding her, and we look forward to the many family celebrations to come!

with cousin Lauren and Grandmama

She's got all three grandpas wrapped around her finger already!

playtime with cousins Camryn, Kile, and Bradyn

Aunt Jennifer and cousin Brett

Happy Birthday blah blah blah.... CAKE!!!

I will crush you!

Yes! I have dominated the chocolate cake!

Need I say more?

First Fairy Book!

It's too bad nobody loves Ruby...

Every great party has a Joker!

Friday, February 8, 2008


So today, December 18th 2007, is Ruby's first Birthday! You might think that on one's birthday they might consider treating themselves (and their parents) by sleeping in.... nope. We woke up at our usual 5 am, but it was a morning to celebrate! We sang Happy Birthday in bed, cuddled and kissed, and remembered that magical day one year ago that Ruby made her entrance into this world... then we had apple juice and bananas and some family dance time. Later in the afternoon we took Daddy with us on one of our usual walks at the beautiful Town Lake, but this time we stopped at the playground to let Ruby run around like a big girl and try out the slides! She had so much fun running and sliding and climbing and especially loves playing with the pebbles---and trying to eat them when mom and dad aren't looking too close (ah! heart attack!). It was a beautiful day, and I'm so thankful for my little girl.

Tree Goddess

First Slide

The Happiest Birthday Girl Ever

Best Friends

Tuckered Out!

Ruby and Julian = B/F/F-- December '07

We have the wonderful privilege to have made friends with a couple (Ian & Addie) from our Bradley (a natural birthing technique) classes, and we help each other out from time to time with the stress of new parenthood by trading babysitting days. Julian, their son, is five weeks younger than Ruby but hot on her heels in every way! It's a really great experience for Aaron and me to have such a close relationship with a baby boy, and as you can see, these two share a special bond! So precious.

Christmas Tree!---December 2007

Here are a few adorable pics of Ruby enjoying her first conscious Christmas tree experience...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thanksgiving 2007

We drove to Waxahachie and Duncanville for Thanksgiving this year, and had such a wonderful time visiting with our families. First stop was Aaron's house where Ruby had a wonderful time playing with her cousins. She definitely wants to play with the big kids and absolutely does not like for mommy to tell her she can't do something... this girl sees no limitations as reasonable! Yet her independence and fearlessness continue to amaze me every day.

Next stop was my mom and dad's, which was a bit quieter, and consisted mostly of eating some more, laying on the couch, and watching football. We were lucky enough to see my brother, Jeff, who had come in town from Las Vegas for the first time since last Christmas. Jeff is so great with kids, and as the only uncle, will always have a very special place in Ruby's life!
It was a wonderful and restful quick trip, and I can't wait for Christmas!

Ruby and her cousins enjoying some turkey

Aaron, Nan, and Ruby

Aaron with his sisters Stephanie and Courtney, Bradyn and Ruby

MeMe and PaPa with Kile, Taylor, Ruby, Bradyn, and Camryn

Ruby playing with Uncle Jeff

Charlie Dog

Ruby with Grandmama and Papa Jim